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The Chocolate Touch

The Chocolate Touch - Laura Florand When I requested this book on Netgalley, I didn't realize that it was part of a series of companion books. (Of course, it says so right here on Goodreads. Duh.) While I don't think it's necessary to have read prior books in the series, it would have given me more background on some of the secondary characters.At first I was really not so sure about this book. Dominique's POV was a little off-putting to me at first and Jamie, with her big mystery, seemed just a little off and I almost stopped reading. But as I kept going, I began to enjoy the book more. The best part by far was the chocolate. Clearly the author has done a lot of research on chocolate-making, and I got hungrier and hungrier as I read. (Unfortunately, I was reading on a plane, eating stale pretzels.)I'm not always a fan of books that use the whole "I know who you are and you have heard of me but I won't tell you my name and then there will be this big, shocking reveal" as a ploy. And, at times, the book relied on the whole thing about him being big and a little rough and her being small and oh-so fragile a little too hard. But by the last third of the book, I was practically yelling at that big lunkhead Dominique to believe that Jamie loved him. Sheesh.